Cotton Practice Rug

Sale Price:$29.40 Original Price:$49.00

As stylish as it is functional, the Cotton Practice Rug brings comfort and ease to all levels and movement styles. Handwoven from natural, biodegradable cotton, this yoga rug absorbs sweat and enables smooth transitions in fast-paced, free-flowing sequences. The Cotton Practice Rug also helps build grip strength in standing poses and arm balances, while adding a layer of cushion for restorative postures or meditation. Each of the Cotton Practice Rug's four corners has straps on the bottom, allowing you to attach it to your yoga mat; this prevents the rug from sliding on hard surfaces. When not in use during your practice, its soft, textured design adds a hint of warmth to any home decor aesthetic.



* Straps in each corner secure the rug to any 72 x 24 yoga mat

* Made from durable, Earth-friendly 100% cotton

* Machine washable

* Sweat absorbent

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