Bolsters, blocks, straps, blankets - Maybe you've carried all of these props to your mat but aren't sure when to use what. Maybe you're a teacher who invited students to use a prop in a pose, but wasn't exactly sure how.
The use of props can assist our practice in 3 main ways:
1. Align – Explore safer physical alignment in postures
2. Lift – experience more openness and buoyancy in your body
3. Support – feel more easeful and relaxed so you can breathe clearly
This workshop series will explore each of these concepts over 3 classes. Whether you are a student looking to effortlessly incorporate props into your practice or a teacher looking to weave props into your sequencing, this series is for you.
Open to all levels and each registered yogi will receive a one time 15% off discount code to use toward props in the Island Heron store!